Excerpt From A Great Book On Abundance

I’ve been reading a book I stumbled upon recently called “The Little Book Of Infinite Abundance” by Naisha Ahsian, and I wanted to share an excerpt from the book. It is a concept that I have been practicing for quite some time now, without really knowing it was a solid idea or practice that had been documented as detailed as she described it:

“The emotional energy you use to manifest your creation is the content of that creation. When you create from fear, desperation or separation, the form you manifest will be filled with this energy – it will not fulfill you. In fact, it will continually remind you of fear, desperation and separation. When you create with the frequency of love, joy and abundance- no matter what they look like on the outside. Your creations will be truly “full-filling” and will be constant reminders of your love, joy and abundance.”

When you try to manifest something, what emotional energy do you place behind it? When you have the intention of gaining, creating or buying something, are you doing it to “impress”? Or simply for the joy of having it? Doing something for the purpose of impressing, being liked and accepted, or to so called “sh*t on the next person” as some people would say out of competitiveness, is rooted in feelings of fear and lack or scarcity mentality. It only results in feeling empty once again and wanting more and more, leading to never being fulfilled. This is not abundance. Abundance is when you do things out of pure passion or joy. You gain, create, or purchase something just because you like it, not out of desperation or to impress or one-up anyone. Abundance leads you to more creation and to infusing your job or tasks with a joyful energy. It is not always easy but this is why you consciously have to make the decision to align with that energy, every time you feel you are unmotivated or doing things for the wrong reasons. Abundance is a feeling. An energy bestowed to all of us from the divine energy/source of creation. Abundance is in sharing with others out of pure generosity, leading us to receive abundance in different forms. Sharing your time, money, or anything small. Even sharing a snack with a friend out of wanting to share how good it tastes. Those little things create more access to the energy of abundance itself.

I started my spiritual journey about 5 years ago. My experience with the concept talked about in the excerpt from Naisha Ahsian’s book, started to come up in my life about 3 years ago. I knew I was lining up with a more positive outlook and with my purpose through meditation on mindfulness. I also started to notice another kind of change that I couldn’t quite pin-point or label. I started to notice that my desire for certain material things diminished because I had found fulfillment elsewhere. In the past I would splurge on outfits and other things but that did not satisfy me. The thought of going back to the feeling of dissatisfaction buy after buy after buy, makes me more motivated to complete the abundance program Naisha Ahsian has set up in her book, even though for a long time now I no longer feel the need to splurge on things. When I do decide to get something, it is for the simple reason that it gives me joy to have it. Not to fill a void, or to impress people.

Naisha mentions in her book, that money does not equate to abundance as we have forever thought. She explains that there are many millionaires and people in general who do have money but they do not have abundance. Say what?? This kills the old belief that money equates to abundance and she is right. There are financially wealthy people who are unhappy and very greedy. They only want more, and they will climb over anyone or anything to get it. That right there is operating from scarcity mentality. You believe that what you get is limited, so you behave negatively to get it or once you get it because you think it will be taken away. You have to outrank and compete against someone else.  When you finally flow from abundance, which again is not one particular thing, it is an energy that includes joy, you no longer suffer the stress and desperation of wanting certain things, if you have been “struggling” or you no longer suffer from greed, and wanting to be bigger and better than anyone else. You relax knowing that you are taken care of while working to stay in the flow. You do your work with a positive attitude, without thinking so much about the money. This is when you start to draw in opportunities.

I stumbled upon this book and it was no accident. I think it is a blessing and to anyone who wants to expand, this is the link to it: The Little Book Of Infinite Abundance. Blessings to everyone.
